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# This is a simple of a .perltidyrc configuration file
# This implements a highly spaced style
-se     # errors to standard error output
-w      # show all warnings
-sbl    # sub braces on new lines
-l=78   # max line width
-i=4    # indent level
-ci=4   # continuation indent
-lp     # 
-pt=0   # paren tightness 0
-sbt=1  # square bracket tightness
-bt=1   # brace tightness
-bbt=1  # block brace tightness
-cti=0  # closing token indention
-pvt=2  # vertical tightness
-pvtc=2 # vertical tightness closing
-nolc   # not outdent long comments
-nolq   # not outdent long quotes
-bar    # brace always on right
-nsfs   # no space for semicolon
-wba="&& || ? : ." # want break after
-ole=unix # output line endings
-cab=3  # comma arrow breakpoints
-mft=6  # maximum fields per table

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Last edited August 26, 2008 18:03 by Amatubu (diff)

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